I was asked about why hiphop has not engaged the current situation more (meaning 911), my response was ‘because it does not affect us, or at least we don’t perceive that it affects us, 911 happened to them’. I went on to say that ‘I am speaking for the culture now; I am not
speaking my personal opinion.’ I continued to say; ‘911 affected them
down the block; the rich, the powerful those that are oppressing us as
a culture. Sony, RCA or BMG, Universal, the radio stations, Clear
Channel, Viacom with BET and MTV, those are our oppressors those are the people that we’re trying to overcome in hiphop everyday, this is a daily thing. We cheered when 911 happened in New York and say that proudly here. Because when we were down at the trade center we were getting hit over the head by cops, told that we can’t come in this
building, hustled down to the train station because of the way we
dressed and talked, and so on, we were racially profiled. So, when the
planes hit the building we were like, ‘mmmm, justice’. And just as I
began to say ‘now of course a lot of our friends and family were lost
there as well’ but I was interrupted… (KRS-One)

speaking my personal opinion.’ I continued to say; ‘911 affected them
down the block; the rich, the powerful those that are oppressing us as
a culture. Sony, RCA or BMG, Universal, the radio stations, Clear
Channel, Viacom with BET and MTV, those are our oppressors those are the people that we’re trying to overcome in hiphop everyday, this is a daily thing. We cheered when 911 happened in New York and say that proudly here. Because when we were down at the trade center we were getting hit over the head by cops, told that we can’t come in this
building, hustled down to the train station because of the way we
dressed and talked, and so on, we were racially profiled. So, when the
planes hit the building we were like, ‘mmmm, justice’. And just as I
began to say ‘now of course a lot of our friends and family were lost
there as well’ but I was interrupted… (KRS-One)